Î n cele ce urmează am adunat câteva articole, cărţi şi interviuri de referinţă pentru SCRIEREA EXPRESIVĂ. Poţi contribui la cunoaşterea şi răspândirea acestei metode terapeutice la noi în ţară. Te aștept în CLUB Ciubuc! 1 . Therapeutic Writing: An Interview with Kathleen Adams Kathleen Adams LPC, is a clinical journal therapist and the founder/director of the Center for Journal Therapy ( www.journaltherapy.com ) and its professional training division, the fully online Therapeutic Writing Institute ( www.TWInstitute. net ). She is the author/editor of nine books on journal therapy, including the best-selling Journal to the Self and Expressive Writing: Foundations of Practice , due out in July 2013. She has been a tireless spokesperson for the power of writing for healing, change and growth for nearly 30 years and is known as a pragmatic visionary in her approaches to writing as a therapeutic tool. In an internet survey she was listed, along with Anais Nin and Anne Frank, ...
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